Rayagada District administration will participate in the Orissa wikipedia project initiated by Sri. Vijay Arora, IAS-91. The project involves creating an exhaustive on-line volumes of database about details of Orissa state, which unfortunately as of date is very low. This project will consist lakhs of pages of information starting from the village level to the state and national level.
There is a growing feeling among the people of Orissa that their state is not projected in the right light. More often than not, only the negative side gets national and international coverage, when a lot of good things are also happening around. This constant negative portrayal leads the society to pessimism and worst cynicism. The Orissa wikipedia project aims at rectifying this perception of the state. There will be lot of other features that will be added to this project to cater the interests of Oriya living outside Orissa.
There is a growing feeling among the people of Orissa that their state is not projected in the right light. More often than not, only the negative side gets national and international coverage, when a lot of good things are also happening around. This constant negative portrayal leads the society to pessimism and worst cynicism. The Orissa wikipedia project aims at rectifying this perception of the state. There will be lot of other features that will be added to this project to cater the interests of Oriya living outside Orissa.