The team of offcials from civil supplies dept.govt. of orissa led by joint Secreatary Sri. G. C. Nayak ( who is ex-PD DRDA Rayagada) and Civil supplies officer, rayagada, Sri. Bibekananda Korkora and World Food Programme,led by Sri. B. K. Bal, IAS, met the governer of Orissa,his excellency, Sri. Murlidhar Bhandare on 23.08.2010 and appraised him about the biometric based TPDS. Among those who were present were Commissioner-cum-secretary to Governer, Sri. Parag Gupta, IAS.
One retailer from Rayagada Sri. Manoj Patnaik and 3 beneficiaries gave a live demo to the Governer on the PoS ( point of sale) device.The memebers of 4G technologies, Hyderabad , which is the firm providing the IT solutions were also present.
His excellency was highly impressed by this application of IT solutions in strenthening the PDS in the state.
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1. What is the vision behind biometric based targeted public distribution project?
The vision behing this project is to check the pilferage in the PDS by application of technology solutions based on unique biometric indicators, to ensure that the subsidised essential commodities reach to those for whom it is meant and to none else, thereby strenthening the PDS in an age where resources are shrinking and hunger is increasing.
2. When did the project commence? Name the key persons involved in the project?
The project was conceptualised in 2007 and the MoU was signed on 17th Oct 2007 between World food program and Govt. of Orissa. The field work began only after Feb 2008.
The key persons involved in this project are as follows:
Mr Basant Kumar Bal, IAS-79 ( MT) , who worked silently and tirelessly for taking the project from the drawing board to its completion, amidst tough conditions.
Dr Bhagwan Sahai, IAS (MH), the then JS, Food & PD, GoI who picked Orissa and MP for PDS interventions by the UNWFP and the WFP for its financial support.
All the unnamed WFP Orissa team members who made Rayagada their second home during the enrolment of families, specially during the times of the teething troubles
Boston Consultancy Group (BCG) to provide pro bono consultancy for the project design.
Boston Consultancy Group (BCG) to provide pro bono consultancy for the project design.
Mr Ankur Jain and other consultants seconded by the WFP who helped design the project.
Collectors of Rayagada starting from Mr Bhaskar Sarma, IAS-99, onwards who patronised the project and helped implement it. The project was taken up in Rayagada due to Bhaskar sir’s enthusiasm for finding IT solutions for the PDS. Mr. Krishna Gopal Mahapatra, OAS ( SAG) saw through the field verification process and the final touches in the shape of elimination of ghost cards and streamlining the software issues was done by Dr. Nitin. B. Jawale, IAS-2003.
The vendors (including those who quit) who kept faith in the project.
The Panchayati Raj Department whose 2002 Household Survey was the basis for the enumeration without which the task would have been unthinkably hard.
Field officials, and numerous extension officers who, though not computer savvy, accepted the biometric log ins and technical teams who took laptops to villages without power, without furniture or a place to sit and enrolled the families.
Sri. Bibekananda Korkora, CSO, Rayagada who was there all through the project.
and lastly the successive Supplies Secreatries…
Sri. R.K. Sharma, IAS-87, who signed the MoU, initiated the project and guided it through its most critical phase with his daily monitoring. Sri. Manoj Ahuja, IAS-90 and Sri. Ashok Meena, IAS-93 who took the project to its completion amidst all the problems that were encountered.
3. Please explain the scenario before the launch of biometric based targeted PDS project? How will this new system check the pilferage and reduce corruption in PDS?
A. Before the launch of this biometric based TPDS the scenario was as follows:
1.Our system was based on a faulty database, as there was all possibility of existence of bogus/ ghost ration cards. The no. of cards in circulation was much more than the cards in our records.
2. In many cases it was found that the retailer would keep the ration cards of the people in his custody and he had ample scope to manipulate the records and deprive people of their PDS entitlement.
3. There was no way to ascertain that the beneficiaries actually got the PDS entitlements as would be mentioned in their ration cards or the records with the retailer/ Civil supplies dept.
4. There ample scope, which was put to use for the pilferage of the essential commodities, most of it would happen at the retail point.
B. The new system will check the pilferage in the following manner:
1. During the stage of capturing biometric data itself, the bogus/ ghost cards were eliminated.
2. The biometric based Smart PDS/ bar-coded cards ensure that only legitimate people are enrolled.
3. The PDS transaction is initiated by the recognizing of the biometric indicators ( in this case finger prints of left or right index fingers) of the retailer and the consumer by the PoS ( Point of Sale) device. The ensures the presence of the consumer at every transaction and that any transaction cannot occur without his/ her knowledge.
4. How is this ICT based PDS unique compared to other such system deployed elsewhere in the country?
4. How is this ICT based PDS unique compared to other such system deployed elsewhere in the country?
To the best of our knowledge this project is unique in the sense that for the first time all 13 biometric indicators are used for the database and that the ghost/bogus cards were eliminated at the stage of verification itself.
5. What have been the various deployment challenges that were faced? How were they overcome?
5. What have been the various deployment challenges that were faced? How were they overcome?
Challenges faced
- Power supply – Very few villages electrified and erratic supply in electrified villages.
- Generators have high voltage fluctuations needing stabilizers
- Breakdown of biometric equipment – limited availability restricting immediate replacement
- Raw unverified database based on 2002 household survey necessitating multiple changes in digitised database - more time than planned, discrepancies/inconsistencies in .verification of data and duplicates
- Resistance of vested interests to change.
- Need for greater commitment and ownership at cutting edge level.
- Low turn-out for enrolment, needing multiple rounds of DPL operations – more time and money than planned.
- Resentment against exclusion of families that came into existence after 2002 survey in rural areas and no survey in urban areas.
The above challenges were primarily faced because of the non existence of basic infrastructure and poor socio economic indicators, which is a feature of these areas which are one of the most backward in the country. these challenges were overcome by the following way:
- Sheer persistence and perseverance over a period of time was bound to yield a positive result.
- Need for continued facility for enrolment of genuine left-out beneficiaries, at least at district/Block/Urban Body level is addressed by deploying 2 mobile units for coverage of the eligible left outs.
6. What is your view on the advantages and scalability of this project?
6. What is your view on the advantages and scalability of this project?
At a cost of Rs. 3 crore for a district like Rayagada, with the given levels of readiness in matters of infrastructure and social acceptability, we feel that every single rupee spent on it is worth it. With this experience the same project can be replicated anywhere with less effort and more economically, given that the basic levels of determination in the administrative machinery and right vision among those directing the course of this scheme prevail.
Also the database acquired in this project can be used for other welfare and non welfare activities thereby proving economical even further.
Strengthening of TPDS in Rayagada district in Partnership with United Nations World Food Programme.
The Government of Orissa, in partnership with the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), is implementing a pilot project in Rayagada district to strengthen the Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) through biometrics-based technological solutions.
The basic demographic and biometric information for families included in the rural household survey 2002 as well as for families, which possess valid ration cards though not included in rural household survey 2002, and who presented themselves for enrolment, have been collected at Digital Photography Locations set up at each village level. Similarly, the demographic and biometric details of those who presented themselves for enrolment from out of the current cardholders of AAY, BPL and APL families in 3 the urban local bodies have been captured. The data are in the process of being checked with reference to the 1997 BPL list.
The data as enrolled for 11 Blocks and 3 ULBs are being displayed on the website in a phased manner for public scrutiny, comments, feedback and suggestions.
The information on age, gender, occupation and relation is as provided and has not been verified.
For ensuring a free and fair Public Distribution System and to curb pilferages in the system, a pilot project called 'Bio-Metrics based Targeted PDS' was initiated in this district about a year back. The project which is supervised by the 'World Food Programme' and the Civil Supplies and Consumer Welfare dept. of Orissa, is one of a kind in th entire state.
Initially the project will be inaugarated in Rayagada Municipality, where 12000 odd Bio Metric based cards are to be distributed. Subsequently about 1,90,000 such cards will be distributed in the entire district.
The finger prints of the left and right index fingers is being recorded electronically by 4G systems, Hyderabad and a bar coded smart PDS card will be issued to the consumer. At the retailer end there will be a small handheld machine to decode the finger print and the data regarding the type and amount of PDS item purchased by the consumer will be entered electronically in the smart PDS card in every transaction.
On 21st July 2010, first round of training programme was held for the retailers and the next one will be on 24th of this month.
The adminstration is gearing up for the launch of this prestigious programme for this district, in the next month

Formulated in a consultative process involving GoI, GoO, BCG and WFP, and extensive studies and ground-level analysis of TPDS in MP, AP, Karnataka and Orissa.
Offers a feasible solution package to strengthen TPDS through technology-based solutions.
Different technologies (sub-pilots within the pilot) to arrive at the best and the most cost-effective solution.
World’s largest multi-modal biometric citizen ID projects involving around one million citizens.
Project components:
Multi-modal biometric enrolment: Capture of biometrics (10 finger prints in whole of the district and, additionally, 2 iris in 3 Blocks and 1 ULB.) along with facial photographs of all citizens (including children) included in 2002 BPL survey list, and genuine cardholders though not listed in 2002 list.
Biometric-deduplication to remove families/ individuals enrolled more than once.
Distribution of new ration cards against biometric validation to remove shadow ownership at distribution stage.
Smart cards with Point of Sale (PoS) devices in ration shops in Rayagada Municipality connected to the central server
Bar-coded coupons and scanning in a high-speed scanner, with links to the server to prevent recording of off-take without beneficiary’s agreement (to be operational from October 2010)
Capacity building of FPS owners and Government field staff on running of new system of PoS devices and coupon system.
Web based interface through MIS and website to track and monitor progress online including off-take of commodities in different months
Generation of release orders, reports and returns only through MIS.
To be run by WFP for one year, capacity building of Government officials and take over District Administration.
Impact assessment by an independent agency
Two mobile biometric enrolment units at the disposal of Collector for one year for enrollment of left-out families.
Facility for mutation in ration cards on account of death, new births and change of residence, etc,
Progress and results:
~ 6,000 village/ward level biometric enrolment stations set up across 2,445 villages in 11 Blocks and 41 wards in 3 ULBs, involving an average of more than 2 operations per village/ward.
186,663 families (89%) and 621, 020 individuals (77%) out of 210, 538 families and ~ 802, 200 individuals enrolled in 11 Blocks,
17, 355 families (54%) out of 32,373 enrolled in 3 urban local bodies,
Enrolled data along with facial photographs displayed on GoO website.
11% families in Blocks and 46% in urban local bodies did not appear for enrolment mostly due to:
ghost and duplicate card card-holders
originally genuine cards (being misused) though no longer valid on account of transfer of cardholder from the station from where card issued,
death of all members of the family,
Permanent migration.
10,092 pairs of duplicate families and 12,828 pairs of duplicate individuals identified. Number of duplicate pairs detected by types is given in the table below:
Summary of duplicates
Type of duplicate Pairs detected
One person being head of more than one family: 6741
Both spouses heading separate families: 656
Family members other than spouse heading another family:2695
Both persons not heading the families:10785
Matches with same Citizen-ID in same family:1198
Matches with different Citizen-ID in same family:845
Total :22920
Number of families to receive new cards 189,829 as against 209,351 cards currently in circulation.
18 August 2010
RAYAGADA, ORISSA – In a move designed to enhance the food security of the poorest and the neediest and to check the pilferage in PDS, the Orissa State Government and the World Food Programme (WFP) have come together to design biometric based Targeted Public Distribution system.
The project, which will make the Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) more robust, was inaugurated today in Rayagada district by Honourable Chief Minister of Orissa, Mr Naveen Patnaik.
The biometric ration cards, bar-coded coupons and smart cards, the distribution of which begins today, will drastically reduce the possibility of pilferage of essential commodities. The transaction between the beneficiary and the `Fair Price Shop’ owner will be made available on the Government website which will further enhance transparency in distribution, the Chief Minister said.
“With growing hunger and shrinking resources, accurate targeting of welfare programmes is the need of the hour. We are very proud of our partnership with the Orissa Government in our joint effort to enhance the efficiency of the TPDS,” said WFP India Representative Mihoko Tamamura.
“This project will ensure food goes only to those entitled to it, and will produce savings which, I am sure, will enable the state government to reach out to many more vulnerable people who urgently need help,” she said.
The biometrics based solution would bring the desired changes in the TPDS, the Minister, Food and Civil supplies, hoped. He urged upon the civil society to access the website developed for the project and put up their feedback and suggestions for further strengthening of the system. He also requested the Chief Minister to roll out the project to other districts in the State.
The new system captures the fingerprint, face and iris as biometrics indicators and a data base is made on this , on the basis of which Smart PDS cards and coupons are made. The biometric data of more than one lakh beneficiaries across the district have now been electronically recorded.
This biometric technology has not only helped in identifying and removing ghosts cards ( cards fraudently made in name of non existant users), but has also rooted out invalid cards, which were mor ethan 8000 in number in Rayagada Municipality alone and which were in circulation and putting significant strain on the TPDS.
Based on the results of this project, it is envisaged that next year, similar initiatives may be taken up in the other districts and urban areas of the state as well.
Among others the ceremony was graced by the MP, Koraput, MLAs of the district, the Food Secretary, Mr Ashok Meena and Mr Basanta Kishore Bal and Mr Himanshu S Bal from WFP. Mr Nitin Bhanudas Jawale, Collector, Rayagada offered the vote of thanks.
Sri. Ashok Meena, IAS , Commissioner-cum- Secretary to Government, Food and Civil Supplies dept. visited Rayagada on 10th August 2010, to review the preparation for the kick off the Targeted Public distribution system in Rayagada on 18th August 2010 by Honourable Chief Minister, Sri. Naveen Patnaik. This project is assisted by the World Food Programme of the United Nations and Sri B. K. Bal, IAS, who is the state head of WFP is overseeing its preparation right the start, in Rayagada.
4G technologies the IT firm from Hyderabad, which is preparing the Bio metric based Smart PDS cards and bar coded Ration cards and coupons for this project, gave a presentation explaining the preparation in this matter. For the first time in the entire country all the 13 indicators of Biometric identification ( 2 eyes' iris, face and 10 fingers) will be taken for a Targeted PDS project. All the ghost cards have already been eliminated, right at the primary stage of collection of biometric data. In due course of time e-mutation of these Smart PDS cards will also be introduced.
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3) Strengthening of TPDS in Rayagada District through Technology-based Solutions
A joint WFP-GoO (Food Supplies and Consumer Welfare Department) initiative through an MoU signed on 17 October 2007.Formulated in a consultative process involving GoI, GoO, BCG and WFP, and extensive studies and ground-level analysis of TPDS in MP, AP, Karnataka and Orissa.
Offers a feasible solution package to strengthen TPDS through technology-based solutions.
Different technologies (sub-pilots within the pilot) to arrive at the best and the most cost-effective solution.
World’s largest multi-modal biometric citizen ID projects involving around one million citizens.
Project components:
Multi-modal biometric enrolment: Capture of biometrics (10 finger prints in whole of the district and, additionally, 2 iris in 3 Blocks and 1 ULB.) along with facial photographs of all citizens (including children) included in 2002 BPL survey list, and genuine cardholders though not listed in 2002 list.
Biometric-deduplication to remove families/ individuals enrolled more than once.
Distribution of new ration cards against biometric validation to remove shadow ownership at distribution stage.
Smart cards with Point of Sale (PoS) devices in ration shops in Rayagada Municipality connected to the central server
Bar-coded coupons and scanning in a high-speed scanner, with links to the server to prevent recording of off-take without beneficiary’s agreement (to be operational from October 2010)
Capacity building of FPS owners and Government field staff on running of new system of PoS devices and coupon system.
Web based interface through MIS and website to track and monitor progress online including off-take of commodities in different months
Generation of release orders, reports and returns only through MIS.
To be run by WFP for one year, capacity building of Government officials and take over District Administration.
Impact assessment by an independent agency
Two mobile biometric enrolment units at the disposal of Collector for one year for enrollment of left-out families.
Facility for mutation in ration cards on account of death, new births and change of residence, etc,
Progress and results:
~ 6,000 village/ward level biometric enrolment stations set up across 2,445 villages in 11 Blocks and 41 wards in 3 ULBs, involving an average of more than 2 operations per village/ward.
186,663 families (89%) and 621, 020 individuals (77%) out of 210, 538 families and ~ 802, 200 individuals enrolled in 11 Blocks,
17, 355 families (54%) out of 32,373 enrolled in 3 urban local bodies,
Enrolled data along with facial photographs displayed on GoO website.
11% families in Blocks and 46% in urban local bodies did not appear for enrolment mostly due to:
ghost and duplicate card card-holders
originally genuine cards (being misused) though no longer valid on account of transfer of cardholder from the station from where card issued,
death of all members of the family,
Permanent migration.
10,092 pairs of duplicate families and 12,828 pairs of duplicate individuals identified. Number of duplicate pairs detected by types is given in the table below:
Summary of duplicates
Type of duplicate Pairs detected
One person being head of more than one family: 6741
Both spouses heading separate families: 656
Family members other than spouse heading another family:2695
Both persons not heading the families:10785
Matches with same Citizen-ID in same family:1198
Matches with different Citizen-ID in same family:845
Total :22920
Number of families to receive new cards 189,829 as against 209,351 cards currently in circulation.
18 August 2010
RAYAGADA, ORISSA – In a move designed to enhance the food security of the poorest and the neediest and to check the pilferage in PDS, the Orissa State Government and the World Food Programme (WFP) have come together to design biometric based Targeted Public Distribution system.
The project, which will make the Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) more robust, was inaugurated today in Rayagada district by Honourable Chief Minister of Orissa, Mr Naveen Patnaik.
The biometric ration cards, bar-coded coupons and smart cards, the distribution of which begins today, will drastically reduce the possibility of pilferage of essential commodities. The transaction between the beneficiary and the `Fair Price Shop’ owner will be made available on the Government website which will further enhance transparency in distribution, the Chief Minister said.
“With growing hunger and shrinking resources, accurate targeting of welfare programmes is the need of the hour. We are very proud of our partnership with the Orissa Government in our joint effort to enhance the efficiency of the TPDS,” said WFP India Representative Mihoko Tamamura.
“This project will ensure food goes only to those entitled to it, and will produce savings which, I am sure, will enable the state government to reach out to many more vulnerable people who urgently need help,” she said.
The biometrics based solution would bring the desired changes in the TPDS, the Minister, Food and Civil supplies, hoped. He urged upon the civil society to access the website developed for the project and put up their feedback and suggestions for further strengthening of the system. He also requested the Chief Minister to roll out the project to other districts in the State.
The new system captures the fingerprint, face and iris as biometrics indicators and a data base is made on this , on the basis of which Smart PDS cards and coupons are made. The biometric data of more than one lakh beneficiaries across the district have now been electronically recorded.
This biometric technology has not only helped in identifying and removing ghosts cards ( cards fraudently made in name of non existant users), but has also rooted out invalid cards, which were mor ethan 8000 in number in Rayagada Municipality alone and which were in circulation and putting significant strain on the TPDS.
Based on the results of this project, it is envisaged that next year, similar initiatives may be taken up in the other districts and urban areas of the state as well.
Among others the ceremony was graced by the MP, Koraput, MLAs of the district, the Food Secretary, Mr Ashok Meena and Mr Basanta Kishore Bal and Mr Himanshu S Bal from WFP. Mr Nitin Bhanudas Jawale, Collector, Rayagada offered the vote of thanks.
It is a matter of great pride for Rayagada and also the entire state that a seemingly impossible project such as the Biometric based targeted Public distribution System was started in Rayagada and is about to complete one year. This is one of its kind project in the entire country, as in many other places, according to World Food program officials, it hasn't moved beyond the preliminary stages. That it could come up and is implemented in a full fledged manner in a naxal affected district of one of the most backward parts of the country goes on to prove that novel ideas can be successfully implemented in these parts. More than 20000 ghost cards were eliminated and a saving of more than Rs. 3 crore was made in Rayagada district because of check on pilferage of essential commodities due to this project.
However there are some issues that needs to be resolved failing which some genuine people will be left out of such projects. About 33000 people who didn't figure in the 1997 BPL survey list, but were enrolled and provided smart PDS cards as per 2002 BPL survey, are left out of this benefit, as the 2002 BPL list has not been ratified by the Govt of India. Infact anticipating approval from Govt of India, the district administration was instructed to enroll the people who figured in the 2002 BPL list in the new PDS system. However pending approval from Govt. of India, the district has been for the last one year in a difficult position as the quota from govt of India is released only according to the 1997 list and there it is almost impossible for the administration to explain to the 33 thousand odd people as to why they cannot get the benefit of PDS, inspite of the district administration providing them the bio metric based smart cards/ bar coded cards. This has also resulted in aw and order situation in many places.
:: :: 08/12/2011 VISIT OF TEH WFP TEAM TO RAYAGADA With the present fresh BPL survey been undertaken, there is some hope for the people to expect their rightful entitlement
The World Food Program team headed by Mr. Torben Due, Director Operations and comprising of Mr. John Aylieff, Deputy Regional Director for Asia, Mr. Peter Rodrigues Senior program advisor, Office of Deputy Executuve Director Operations, Ms. Mihoko Tamamura, Representaive & Country head for India WFP, Mr. Micheal Jensen, Deputy Country Director India WFP, visited Rayagada district today to asses the progress and future requirements of the Biometric based targeted PDS project that is being implemented in the Rayagada district. Ms. Ravneet Kaur IAS, Joint Secretary from the ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Government of India was also present.
Collector Rayagada, Dr. Nitin.B.Jawale, IAS gave a presentation on the project in general and the latest issues in particular as given below:
After the inauguration of the project on 18th August 2010, number of errors were detected in the database such as wrong classification of a beneficiaries ( BPL being classified as APL), mistakes in names, village and Gram Panchayat names and like. The quantum of such mistakes was about 5% of the database of about 1.9 lakh odd. Also there was the issue of the persons whose names figured in the 1997 BPL survey, but were not included in the 2002 survey, but still were enrolled under this project and were issued with Biometric based smart cards or bar coded cards and coupons. The allotment for such beneficiaries is an issue that needs to be sorted out, as the district administration does not get allotment for these beneficiaries.Lastly the issue of left out households remains.
These impediments prevented the full and final roll out of this project in the form of generation of computerized MIS. For a year district administration with the support of WFP had been working at rectifying the errors in the database and at this stage, as things stands, most of the wrong classification cases have been rectified and their cards sent for printing by WFP. The district administration will distribute these cards as soon as it receives from WFP. Also for the enrollment of the left out families, which again forms about 5% of the total database of household, 2 mobile vans have been kept at the disposal of the district administration. Only if the issue of the households who have already been issued biometric based cards, but fro whom the district administration does not receive allotment, is sorted out by either the Govt of India or the state govt, the district administration will be in a position to operationalize the MIS in full. This will then make this project a model to be replicated elsewhere in the state or the country.
Inspite of these glithces the project implematation has ensured that about 22,000 bogus/ ghost cards were eliminated and leakages and pilferages in the PDS were effectively checked, which resulted in the saving of Rs. 3 crore sin one year in this district alone.
Because of the specific last mile issues and problems, the Collector Rayagada stressed the need for enhancing the handholding period by WFP for another year, after the the previous duration ends in May 2012.
In the afternoon the team visited the Maitree Fair Price Shop in Rayagada Municipality area and the Penta GP office, which also acts as a FPS. The team closely examined the working of this system in urban areas, where the essential commodities are distributed by the way of a PoS ( Point of Sale) device, which reads the biometric based smart cards and in the rural area, the system, which is based of bar coded card and coupons.
SRI. T S Randhawa IAS GJ:1979 Additional Secretary and Financial Advisor to the Department of Food and Public Distribution, Ministry of Consumer Affairs & Food and Public Distribution visited Rayagada district on 24.02.12, as a part of his visit to the districts of South Odisha. After discussion with the Collector and other officials of the civil supplies department and the officials of FCI, he saw the much appreciated Biometric based Targeted Public Distribution project ( BTPDS) in the Rayagada district. He was particularly happy about the fast working of the smart cars operated Point of sale ( PoS) device. He remarked that the system is much better than what is being run in places like Chandigarh and Haryana.
Collector Rayagada explained him about the need to have two different Biometric based systems of Public distribution, I.e the smart card based for Urban areas and the bar coded cards and coupons, for practical reasons such as connectivity and availability of electricity. However the system of bar coded coupons and cards is also a very workable one and has gone a long way in ensuring food security to the needy and checking pilferage of essential commodities.
A team from the Associated Press, an American news agency popularly known as AP, is in Rayagada to cover the Biometric based Targeted Public Distribution System. The team headed by its South Asia Bureau chief, Mr. Ravi Nessman and photgraphers Mr. Shonal Ganguly and Mr. Manish visited different fair price shops in the Rayagada town and the rural areas and filmed the functioning of the BTPDS.
The Biometric based targeted Public Distribution System is implemented in different ways in Urban and Rural areas in the Rayagada district, which is the pilot district for this project.
In Urban areas ( Rayagada town as of now) it is smart card based and the transaction is done with the help of Biometric enabled Point of Sale (PoS) device. The transaction gets over in matter of seconds and a fool proof public distribution is ensured.In rural areas however because of practical difficulties, a system of bar coded cards and coupons is in place. The former system is undoubtedly much more superior and easy to use than the latter, but given the issues with electricity and other infrastructure, it was felt wise to limit the former system to Rayagada Municipality area and gradually extend it to other areas.
The team will stay in Rayagada and cover various dimensions of this project and its impact in the matter of providing food security to the people in this areas.