Strengthening of TPDS in Rayagada District through Technology-based Solutions
A joint WFP-GoO (Food Supplies and Consumer Welfare Department) initiative through an MoU signed on 17 October 2007.
Formulated in a consultative process involving GoI, GoO, BCG and WFP, and extensive studies and ground-level analysis of TPDS in MP, AP, Karnataka and Orissa.
Offers a feasible solution package to strengthen TPDS through technology-based solutions.
Different technologies (sub-pilots within the pilot) to arrive at the best and the most cost-effective solution.
World’s largest multi-modal biometric citizen ID projects involving around one million citizens.
Project components:
Multi-modal biometric enrolment: Capture of biometrics (10 finger prints in whole of the district and, additionally, 2 iris in 3 Blocks and 1 ULB.) along with facial photographs of all citizens (including children) included in 2002 BPL survey list, and genuine cardholders though not listed in 2002 list.
Biometric-deduplication to remove families/ individuals enrolled more than once.
Distribution of new ration cards against biometric validation to remove shadow ownership at distribution stage.
Smart cards with Point of Sale (PoS) devices in ration shops in Rayagada Municipality connected to the central server
Bar-coded coupons and scanning in a high-speed scanner, with links to the server to prevent recording of off-take without beneficiary’s agreement (to be operational from October 2010)
Capacity building of FPS owners and Government field staff on running of new system of PoS devices and coupon system.
Web based interface through MIS and website to track and monitor progress online including off-take of commodities in different months
Generation of release orders, reports and returns only through MIS.
To be run by WFP for one year, capacity building of Government officials and take over District Administration.
Impact assessment by an independent agency
Two mobile biometric enrolment units at the disposal of Collector for one year for enrollment of left-out families.
Facility for mutation in ration cards on account of death, new births and change of residence, etc,
Progress and results:
~ 6,000 village/ward level biometric enrolment stations set up across 2,445 villages in 11 Blocks and 41 wards in 3 ULBs, involving an average of more than 2 operations per village/ward.
186,663 families (89%) and 621, 020 individuals (77%) out of 210, 538 families and ~ 802, 200 individuals enrolled in 11 Blocks,
17, 355 families (54%) out of 32,373 enrolled in 3 urban local bodies,
Enrolled data along with facial photographs displayed on GoO website.
11% families in Blocks and 46% in urban local bodies did not appear for enrolment mostly due to:
ghost and duplicate card card-holders
originally genuine cards (being misused) though no longer valid on account of
transfer of cardholder from the station from where card issued,
death of all members of the family,
permanent migration.
10,092 pairs of duplicate families and 12,828 pairs of duplicate individuals identified. Number of duplicate pairs detected by types is given in the table below:
Summary of duplicates | |
Type of duplicate | Pairs detected |
One person being head of more than one family | 6741 |
Both spouses heading separate families | 656 |
Family members other than spouse heading another family | 2695 |
Both persons not heading the families | 10785 |
Matches with same Citizen-ID in same family | 1198 |
Matches with different Citizen-ID in same family | 845 |
Total | 22920 |
4,097 families, outside 2002 list, enrolled as additional families found not to have ration cards.
Summary of total families, cards in circulation vs enrolment by type is given in the table below:
Block/ Urban body | Total families* | BPL cards under circu lation | BPL famil ies enrol led | AAY cards under circu lation | AAY families enrolled | Anna purna cards under circul ation | Anna purna families enroll ed | APL cards under circul ation | APL families enrol led | Number of current card holders | Number of families to get new cards |
11 Blocks | 210538 | 102551 | 88318 | 39968 | 31570 | 1308 | 496 | 38770 | 65050 | 182597 | 173288 |
3 ULBs | 32373 | 3424 | 2398 | 3844 | 3003 | 153 | 28 | 19333 | 11926 | 26754 | 16541 |
Total | 242911 | 105975 | 90716 | 43812 | 34573 | 1461 | 524 | 58103 | 76976 | 209351 | 189, 829 |
*Includes families listed in 2002 survey and genuine cardholders though not listed in 2002 list |
* Number of families to receive new cards 189,829 as against 209,351 cards currently in circulation.