It is a duanting task to deliver health services in an area where one has to cross numerous hills and rivers/ rivulets to reach a solitary village. Such was the case of Lilligumma and Sirlijhoda viallges that were visited today. There had been two cases each in these villages and the patients were administered IV infusions and given antibiotics to which they responded well. The work of the local Anganwadi worker and the Male Health worker has very praise worthy. It is because of their efforts that the situation was brought under control.
The district administration had decided to chlorinate all the water sources, Formal ( Tube wells/ Pipe water supply) and informal ( streams/ wells) , just before the locations where they would be put to use by the people, with the intention to sanitize the water and check the spread of water borne diseases. Accordingly Collectro Rayagada checked these 'Chlorination stations' at Lakhrisi, Talajhari and Sirlijhoda. The technique employed is very simple and innovative. A plastic bag with small perforations,containing another plastic bag of Bleaching powder is kept at a particular place, just before the habitations. the Chlorine from the plastic bags containing bleaching powder 'seeps' through the flowing water, ensuring a steady and long lasting sanitisation of water, enough to make it safe for drinking or atleast to check the spread of pathogens. This indigenous technology is the result of the knowledge and experience of years of epidemic control of the local doctors and was picked up in a big way by the district administration as part of its preparation to prevent the outbreak of any epidemic.
After having tried its best to control water borne disease, the district administration is faced with a huge challenge to control the spread of diarhhoea beacuse of unhygienic dietary habits among the tribals in interior pockets. Special measures are taken to ensure the availability of subsidized rice to people in these areas, but inspite of this people continue to consume Mandia ( which is their staple food and not rice) and a kind of gravy of Mango kernel. Both these items as such are not toxic or diarrhea causing , it the way they are prepared and stored that is the real cause of disease. Because of unduly long storage, a fungal layer develops on the inside of the pot bearing these items and these cause episodes of severe diarrhea, which at times leads to deaths. Many efforts have been made in the past and are being made even now to sensitize people of the evils of such dietary practices, but it has proved to be a tough job. The district administration is determined to take up this challenge and sensitizing the people with Audio Visual medium and with the help of street plays to give up these wring dietary practices. Cooperation from social minded individuals and organizations is solicited in this matter.