Dr. Jagvir Singh, Addl. Director, National Centre for Disease Control, New Delhi,on 19.09.2010 along with Collector Rayagada and senior officials of Health dept. of Government of Orissa, visited Serigumma subcentre area of Kalyansinghpur block of Rayagada district, which had shown high number of cases and more than 10 deaths in the recent spike of Diarhhea/chloera . This area is geographical contigous to the Siripai suncentre area of Kashipur block and together with it forms a contigous compact area pf the focus of diarrhea/ cholera epidemic in Rayagada district.The team visited Shikarpai PHC (N) which as imporatnat treatment centre for diarhhea cases and in which the Serigumma subcentre area comes.
The next visit was to the Serigumma village, whose GP office was converted into a temporary treatment centre (TTC) for diarrhea/ cholera cases. The number of cases with complaints of diarrhea has reduced to 5-10 daily in this TTC, which at peak time was more than 30. The team interacted with the doctors and the people undergoing treatment. Dr. Singh stressed the need for massive use of ORS, since fluid management is the most important thing in diarrhea/ cholera management. He also ascertained whether the general people are aware of the importance of hand washing, particularly after defecation.According to Dr. Singh, NCDC has reported about 800 outbreaks of cholera in the entire country last year, which includes cities such as Banglore and Delhi. In many instances the outbreak passes off as diarhhea, if laboratory investigations are not done and the at times, not even noticed if casualties are not high.
In Rayagada context, after the August end spike, rectal swabs and stool samples, along with water samples were sent to Regional Medical Research centre, Bhubaneshwar for lab testing, after which in 23 cases the stool samples were detected to have Vibrio cholarae O-1 type. Fortunately none of those tested positive succumbed and all of them recovered.
The team further visited Tala Anchalbadi and Lekhapi villages. A TTC has been opened at Lekhapai, since there were two deaths in the village and some deaths nearby villages and also high number of cases.
The efforts of the Local ASHA worker, Smt. Chandramma Behera, were praised by all. She has played a great role in saving many lives. Most of those present were astonished to see that she had detail knowledge of the quantities of ORS, Halozone tablets and the methods of sanitising water.
The team also saw a 'Daskathia Pala', traditional street play organised by USO-Unicef to sensitise people about safe drinking water, hand washing,The need for boiling water, use of ORS and ways to prevent cholera.