Vibrio Chlorae O-1, has been detected in 6 out of 21 samples sent to RRC from Kashipur and Kalyansinghpur blocks. However all the 6 peole have been treated and have recovered. The district administration has already put up measures in place. 10 doctors were already sent from MKCG medical college Berhampur and the health dept plans to send 10 more to assist the district administration in this task. The district administration had from the observation of the deaths pattern in th erecent diarhhea cases had suspected the prevalence of a disease like cholera and immediately stool and water samples were sent to Regional Medical Research centre, Bhubaneshwar on 3rd Sep 2010. The steps taken by the district administration with the support of Health and Family Welafre Dept, Govt. Of Orissa are given below:-
Diarrhoeal Outbreak Statistics of affected blocks
Name of the Affected Blocks No of Villages Affected No of Attacks No of Deaths Remarks
Jagannathpur 10 85 4 No new cases have been detected since 15.08.10
B.Cuttack 17 58 9 Under control
Gudari 2 25 4 No new cases have been detected
Jemadeipentho 7 20 1 Under control
K.Singpur 13 169 7 Under control
Kashipur 30 106 8 Under control
Muniguda 2 9 0 ● No death.
● Situation is under control.
Total 81 451 33
Action Taken-
● Formation of Temporary Treatment Centers (TTC)-
○ Basing on the need of the blocks temporary emergency treatment centers are opened in the following places
Name of the Block Make shift Treatment centers Regular Treatment Centers with facilities for Diarrhoeal Management
Kashipur Siripai Sub Center
CHC Kashipur
PHC(N) Tikiri
K.Singpur Seriguma GP Office PHC K.Singpur
PHC(N) Sikarpai
B.Cuttack Dandapada UP School CHC B.Cuttack
PHC (N) Durgi
At the treatment centers there is provision of at least one MBBS Doctor, one Pharmacist, one MPHS(M), one HW(F), one HW(M).
The MHU team is also attached to the TTC.
● Deployment of Staffs
Name of Block No of Doctors & Paramedic deployed
Doctors Paramedic
Kashipur 5 10
K.Singpur 3 6
B.Cuttack 2 6
● The no of Doctors & Paramedics mentioned in the above table are deploied from MKCG Medical College & Ganjam District & from other nonaffected blocks of the District. Along with the temporary team the regular medical staffs & MHU staffs are also providing their services for Diarrhoeal Management.
● Deployment of Vehicles-
Name of the Block No of the Vehicle
deployed on requisition
Kashipur 5
K.Singpur 2
B.Cuttack 1
In addition to the above vehicles the MHU vehicles, Ambulance, BPMSU vehicle & PHC vehicle are also engaged for the purpose of surveillance & transportation of the patients from the interior & inaccessible villages to the treatment centers.
All these vehicles are being placed in the strategic location for better referral of patients.
● IEC campaign-
Leaf lets & posters are distributed in the affected blocks.
The BEEs of the blocks are entrusted to do the mikeing in their local languages to generate the awareness about Diarrhoea.
Through RWSS street plays, PALAs are being done to prohibit the people for using the unsafe drinking water.
● Surveillance at all the Residential Schools-
○ One nodal person is designated for each of the schools, who is assigned with the responsibility of visiting the schools daily & report about any sign & symptoms of attacks if any, to the nearest treatment centers as well as District Emergency Response Team.
● Availability of Medicines-
All the required Drugs like Tetracycline, Doxycycline, Ciprofloxacine, Ornidazole, Metron, IV Cipro & Metro & IV Fluids, Halozene tab. & ORS packets are sufficiently available in the TTC, Peripheral staffs, Block Head quarters & District Central Stores.
● Involvement of private party-
The Industrial houses are requested to support the affected portions & the members of the TTC under as a part of their corporate social responsibility. They have agreed to provide one MHU in K.Singpur block. They will also be doing some IEC campaign through Mikeing & distributing leaf lets & posters in the affected blocks of the district.
Monitoring Systems-
● Nodal officers are being placed one at each affected blocks for day to day monitoring, Evaluation & ensure the supply chain mechanism of drugs & logistics & vehicle.
● The BDOs, CDPOs and other line department officers of all the blocks have been sensitized & requested to deploy their grass root level man power for collection of information & to ensure early referral of patients.
● District Emergency response team has been formed consisting of the following members to collect the information from the field & disseminate the same to the concerned line department for better management of Diarrhea situation.
Team members –
○ One Medical Officer
○ Data Manager, IDSP
○ SA, CDMO Office ,
○ One BEE
* Not all deaths are due to cholera, diarhheal deaths can be because of no. of other conditions also.
Some Very Useful information on "CHOLERA":-