Core committee for diarhhea management in Rayagada.
A core committee has been set up at the district level under the chairmanship of Collector Rayagada. The CDMO is the member convenor and the other prominent members are DFO, DPM NRHM, Executive engineers of PWD, Rural Development, Rural Water supply and Sanitation, DPC DPEP, DWO, DSWO, and others. In the core commitee meeting issues related to the planning of management of epide mic diarrheal disease were discussed. Later in a press conference, the details of the plan were explained to the media persons.
The diarhhea management plan includes:
1. Vulnerability mapping of the entite district based on the folllowing indicators:
A Previous incidences of epidemic diarhheal disease, its intensity and length
b Connectivity profile of thst area which includes analysis of the terrain, icluding telecommunication aspect
c Coverage fro health sector such as PHCs, sub centres and like anS Secd Presence of other linked depts such as ICDS and Veternary
d and lastly, the prevelant socioal and cultural traits of community
Accordinly six compact zones have been identifies as the most vulnerable, these include
1. Siripai subcentre area of Kashipur PHC along with Sunger, Adajore and Mandibisi GPs
2. Serigumma subcentre area of Shikarpai PHC of Kalyansinghpur block.
3. Sahada PHC and Madhuban PHC area of Bissamcuttack and Gudari block
4. Both the DKDA area, Chatikona of Bissamcuttack block and Parsali of Kalyansinghpur.
5. Kumbhikota ICDS sector of Rayagada block
6. Jangili and dangodi area of Jemadeipentho PHC area Rayagada block.
Along with these six, two morw compact zones i.e, Lanjia saura devlopment agency area in Gunupur block and Bijapur subcentre area of Chandrapur block have also tentatively included in vulnerable category. The rest of the district is in the alert category.
2. As a preventive meaure, the district administration intends to start Temporary treatment centres ( TTC) in atleast three places in the first two vulnerable zones, which was the focal point of last years diarrhea outbreak. The support of the state govt's health dept is much required by the way of temporary deployment of doctors in these TTCs and filling up the vacant posts of doctors in the long run.
3. Surviellance of of utomost importance for prevention of any epidemic outbreak and for a prompt response in case of any eventual outbreak. A nodal officers system from the village to block level for atleast two blocks, Kashipur and Kalyansinghpur, has been worked out, which will report to the health control room in the district HQ hospital. Along with this a mobile surviellance system is to be put in place to oversee the situation.
4. Infrastructure and manpower of Village level 'vana suraksha samiti' is also to be utilised for this purpose.
5. SOUTHCO the electrical dist com, has been entrusted witht the task of completion of the electrification of all the PHC new and subcentrs in the vulnerable area.
6. RWSS has already completed most of the projects for tubewell sinking and pipe water scheme in the vulnerable as well as other areas.
7. As per the sugesstion of the district administration the state governemtn has already set up a branch of Regional Medical Research centre in Rayagada. This will help to analyze the trend of devlopment of dirahheal disease and enable us to anticipate the time and location of occurence of any epidemic, in case one arises. Already water samples and rectal swabs are being collected from different areas and analysis of it will begin from monday, 18th july 2011.
8. Lastly the aspect of sensitization of community was discussed and explained in detial. The measures such as massive postering campaign, sensitisation of GKS and aspect of sensitization through audio visual meduim such as Jingles on AIR and telefilm in Kui language was explained in detail to the press.
The diarhhea management plan includes:
1. Vulnerability mapping of the entite district based on the folllowing indicators:
A Previous incidences of epidemic diarhheal disease, its intensity and length
b Connectivity profile of thst area which includes analysis of the terrain, icluding telecommunication aspect
c Coverage fro health sector such as PHCs, sub centres and like anS Secd Presence of other linked depts such as ICDS and Veternary
d and lastly, the prevelant socioal and cultural traits of community
Accordinly six compact zones have been identifies as the most vulnerable, these include
1. Siripai subcentre area of Kashipur PHC along with Sunger, Adajore and Mandibisi GPs
2. Serigumma subcentre area of Shikarpai PHC of Kalyansinghpur block.
3. Sahada PHC and Madhuban PHC area of Bissamcuttack and Gudari block
4. Both the DKDA area, Chatikona of Bissamcuttack block and Parsali of Kalyansinghpur.
5. Kumbhikota ICDS sector of Rayagada block
6. Jangili and dangodi area of Jemadeipentho PHC area Rayagada block.
Along with these six, two morw compact zones i.e, Lanjia saura devlopment agency area in Gunupur block and Bijapur subcentre area of Chandrapur block have also tentatively included in vulnerable category. The rest of the district is in the alert category.
2. As a preventive meaure, the district administration intends to start Temporary treatment centres ( TTC) in atleast three places in the first two vulnerable zones, which was the focal point of last years diarrhea outbreak. The support of the state govt's health dept is much required by the way of temporary deployment of doctors in these TTCs and filling up the vacant posts of doctors in the long run.
3. Surviellance of of utomost importance for prevention of any epidemic outbreak and for a prompt response in case of any eventual outbreak. A nodal officers system from the village to block level for atleast two blocks, Kashipur and Kalyansinghpur, has been worked out, which will report to the health control room in the district HQ hospital. Along with this a mobile surviellance system is to be put in place to oversee the situation.
4. Infrastructure and manpower of Village level 'vana suraksha samiti' is also to be utilised for this purpose.
5. SOUTHCO the electrical dist com, has been entrusted witht the task of completion of the electrification of all the PHC new and subcentrs in the vulnerable area.
6. RWSS has already completed most of the projects for tubewell sinking and pipe water scheme in the vulnerable as well as other areas.
7. As per the sugesstion of the district administration the state governemtn has already set up a branch of Regional Medical Research centre in Rayagada. This will help to analyze the trend of devlopment of dirahheal disease and enable us to anticipate the time and location of occurence of any epidemic, in case one arises. Already water samples and rectal swabs are being collected from different areas and analysis of it will begin from monday, 18th july 2011.
8. Lastly the aspect of sensitization of community was discussed and explained in detial. The measures such as massive postering campaign, sensitisation of GKS and aspect of sensitization through audio visual meduim such as Jingles on AIR and telefilm in Kui language was explained in detail to the press.