A skill development and placement camp was organised today at Rayagada by ORMAS in coordination with Rayagada district administration. more than 500 youth from all over the district, including remote areas like Chandrapur, attending the three day long camp. More than 2000 young lot of the district is to benifit from this initiative, which invilves counselling of teh local youth regrading the skills they posses and the trades offered by the companies present in this camp.
To bring the working age population of the state to the economic mainstream, and to harness the demographic dividend, State government in Panchayati Raj department have been facilitating placement linked training for rural youth under special projects, SGSY. The Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India have sanctioned Rs. 250 Crores for the Skill Development Projects to be implemented through 22 Project Implementing Agencies (PIAs) for imparting placement linked capacity building training to rural youths in order to enhance their employability, so that these trained youth could be gainfully employed in the organized sector.
The salient features of the program are given below.
22 Project implementing Agencies [21 Multi state Agencies and 1 State level agency] including 2 new PIAs namely TOPS Security, New Delhi and ICA, Calcutta
25 projects [24 Multi state projects and 1 State level project]
5 Nodal Agencies
41 trades grouped in to 10 major skills
Coordinated by
ORMAS has been declared as Nodal Agency for Monitoring and Coordination of this program in the State.
Total target for the District: 2200 Candidates
Total Youth Trained : -----------
Total Youth Placed : --------------
Initiatives taken so far by ORMAS
Formation and functioning of Skill development cell
Planned to train and place 3 lakh unemployed rural youth
Holding review meetings with PIAs
Developing Web based online application and MIS
Sensitization of Chief Executives of DSMS, BDOs and Asst. computer programmers
Support for organizing District level counseling camps
Chief Secretary reviews the programme
State level / District Level Counseling camp for selection of right aspirants
State level Skill development cell has been constituted under the chairmanship of Director,NRLM and functioning at ORMAS
Three full time programme managers have been engaged for functioning of cell
Chief Executive of DSMSs [placed at DRDAs] are designated as Nodal Officers at District level for coordination and monitoring the programme at district level
Interface between PIA and Chief Executive of DSMSs for better coordination
Monitoring Mechanism
Organising regular review meetings with PIAs
Tracking of progress against target s [quarterly]
Trainees wise detailed placement report
PIA wise target and coverage in different districts
Training center locations, intake capacity and trades available, facilities for trainees etc.
Web based MIS application developed for online application and monitoring
Physical verification of training centers of PIAs
Physical verification of placements of trainees by CE-DSMS at district level
Initiative at the district level
As a part of facilitating process district level counseling camp has been planned from 23rd to 25th July 2011 by DRDA, Rayagada with the support from DSMS with a target to mobilize prospective rural youth to undergo skill training to be imparted by different PIAs. Letters were issued to all the blocks to sponsor 200 candidates for the district level camps. The programme was officially inaugurated by Collector, Rayagada and other district level officials like Project Director, DRDA, Rayagada and Zonal Manager, ORMAS, Rayagada, Executive Officer, Municipality, Rayagada & D.I.P.R.O, Rayagada were present. Sri Jyoti Prakash Mohanty, Programme Officer, ORMAS Bhubaneswar briefed about the Programme and Process of selection of the candidates. Altogether, 08 PIAs and 02 other agencies were participating in the Counseling Camp for selection of the Candidates.
NAME OF PIAs who participated in the programme.
1. FIWE, Beherampur
2. SREI Sahaj, Bhuabneswar
3. IL & FS, Bhubaneswar
4. L & T, C.S.T.I, Kanchipuram
5. J.I.T.M, Paralakhemundi, Gajapati
6. Jagruti Foundation, Bhubaneswar
7. Techno Park, Bhubaneswar
8. District Employment Office, Rayagada
Other than PIAs following agencies are participating in the Counseling programme
1. C.T.T.C, Rayagada
2. Harrisons Malayalam, Cochin
Zonal Manager, ORMAS