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Jul 3, 2012


Rayagada district administration has virtually banned the movement of minor minerals like sand, stones chips and like from being transported outside the state of Odisha.

 In a letter issued to Revenue and Police authorities in the district and even to Collectors and Superintendents of adjoining districts of the state of Andhra Pradesh such as Srikakulam, Vizianagaram and Vishakapatnam, Collector Rayagada has reiterated the already laid out principle, that the movement of minor minerals is being governed by the Orissa Minor Minerals Concession rules, 2004 and the 'R" form issued for the purpose of transporting the minor minerals is as per these rules, which have validity only in the state of Odisha and hence it is illegal to transport such minor minerals outside the state of Odisha on the basis of such 'R' form, which is basically a transit pass.

Accordingly the Commercial taxes officer has been told to detain such vehicle carrying minor minerals at the border check gates. Recently due to the court order in Andhra Pradesh a ban has been imposed on excavation of sand from any waterbody, expect the river Godavari in the Northern coastal Andhra, which has created acute shortage of sand in that region. For this reason the sand from the neighboring districts of the state of Odisha is in great demand there, which has lead to an unprecedented situation, wherein minor minerals in large quantities are being transported outside the state, which has lead not only to acute shortage in the state's districts, but sharp increase in the price in the district.

This decision of the district administration is bound to evoke reactions from the traders in minor minerals.