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Mar 22, 2012
District level ASHA convention was held today in Ashok Mandap in Rayagada tgoday. The convention was inaugurated by Collector Rayagada.
Acreidted Social Health Activist (ASHA) is recent addition in the Health administration at the grass root level. This is a level below the ANM and the work is very similar to Health Worker. The difference is only that of the area. The Health worker is posted at the sub centre level and has a cluster of villages as his area of work. The ASHA worker has an individual village as her area of work, which is similar to the anganwadi Worker in terms of area and status. There 1827 ASHA workers in Rayagada district.
ASHA workers have a very important role to play in the implentation of different schmes and programmes of the health dept. Besides they play a vital role in keeping an eye over the overall health situation in tier espective areas, particullarly during the outbreak of epidemics and also play a crucial role in mamagement of epidemic situation and special programs such as mass immunization.
In today's function, Collector Rayagada felicitated 11 ASHA workers for meritorius service. He told that they are the eyes and ears of the health dept and being from the local community they enjoy the trust of the local people and hence the district administration has very high hopes from them and that they will surely live upto the expectations as they have done in the paSt.