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Nov 30, 2011
Nov 26, 2011
Nov 21, 2011
The Chaiti festival was kick started from the Ancient Shaivite site ( AD 776) of Paikapada near Therubali in Rayagada district. This site has a Shiva temple known popularly as Pataleshwar and a host of other deities, such as Dakshin Kali, Kankali, Hara Parvati, Biranchi Narayan, Jaleshwar and even the Buddha. There are said to be 99,99,999, i.e one short of one crore, Shiva lingas that were built in this area about 1400 years back.
The district administration decided to launch the annual Chaiti festival from this site, in keeping with the tradition of launching the festival from a site of historical, cultural or geographical importance.
Nov 18, 2011
The work on the Rayagada town portion of the Vijaywada Ranchi corridor project is in full swing. Collector Rayagada told that the district administration had been monitoring the progress on daily basis, after the major impediments in the road work such as shifting of electrical poles and cutting/ trimming of trees was completed. These works took unduly long time because of the failure of the concerned agencies to act up in time. But with the intervention of Collector Rayagada, who stood on the road and ensured that the necessary shifting was done in time, things are moving swiftly. The town portion is expected to be completed within two months. The only impediment that is left to be worked out is that of shifting of the water pipe line, for which the district administration has made provision of funds and the only thing that is left is the submission of estimates with technical sanction by the PHD.
It is important to know that the district administration has played an important role in the progress of this road project, which ideally should be done by the concerned departments on their own, as is done is most of the states. The role of the district administration ideally should be limited in coordination between different departments, but in this case the district administration also made provision of funds for the different departments. however with almost all obstacles removed the district HQ town can now hope to see a state of the art four lane highway soon, with central lighting and signal system along with road furniture such as road arches.
Nov 13, 2011

JK Paper Mill, Rayagada celebrated the 127th Founders Day today, which is observed on the birth anniversary of Lala Kamlapat Singhania( 1884-1937). Collector Rayagada was the Chief guest on this occassion. Lala Kamlapat Singhania is the pioneer of the JK group, a major industrial houses of the country, which was named after taking the first letters of the name of father of Lala Kamlapat Singhania, Sri. Juggilal Singhania ( 1857-1922) and his own name.
Binodi Ram Singhania, the grandfather of Kamlapat Singhania, migrated frim their ancestral village SInghana, in the Shekawati region of Rajasthan to Kanpur and it is from here that the family rose to prominence. Lala Kamlapat Singhania and ardent nationalist and visionary founded the JK group in 1910.
The JK papermill was set up in the Chandili village 10 kms from Rayagada in the year 1962. It is among the first industries to be set up in the region, along with the IMFA ferro-alloys plant.
About fifty years back the first sheet of paper was rolled in this mill and now the industry has taken up expansion and modernization project , with state of the art machinery being installed, which will not only reduce pollution, but also increase efficiency. The authorities at JK paper mill plan to roll out paper with the new machines on the same day next year.
Collector Rayagada said that fifty years down the line, JK papermill has become a part of the history, geography and culture of this district. Its a major landmark in the district and is the identity of the district outside Orissa. He cited an example of a local entrepreneur ,who was during his visit to Delhi, asked about the location of Rayagada, a place he belonged and he is said to have pointed at the sheets of the JK office paper in that office and said he belongs to the place where this paper is made.
Collector Rayagada also requested the increased participation of JK paper mill in the beautification of the district, particularly in the matter of providing road arch signage and high mast lights, along with the support to the farmers and SHGs, that they are already providing.
The 40 employees of the Paper mill, who completed 25 years of service were felicitated by the Collector Rayagada in the function.
Nov 12, 2011
The Common review Mission (CRM)from Health ministry, Govt of India finished its 3 day tour of the district. The team arrived in Rayagada on 10th of November. Team was lead by Sri.Ranjit Pandit, IFS Director, Health & Family Welfare, Govt of India and other members were, Dr. Sadananda Sahu, Deputy advisor, Department of AYUSH, Sri. adhikari, Ms. Anuradha and others.
The team on the first day held a meeting in which Collector Rayagada, CDMO Rayagada and other senior doctors of the District Headquarter Hospital and other related officials. CDMO Rayagada, Dr. Benudhar Nayak, appraised the team of the functioning if the various programmes being implemented under NRHM. Collector Rayagada appraised the steps taken last year to combat the epidemic diarhheal diseases, the outbreak of which was a major issue for the health department last year. He aslo appriased the team about the preventive measures taken this year, like sensitization of the community about the genesis and spread of the epidemic diarrheal diseases such as Cholera through the audio visual medium in the 'Kui' the language of the local tribal community and measures such as 'Downstream managemen't by the way of stream chlorination. A a result there was not only no outbreak of epidemic in diarhheal disease in the district this year, but also no casualty due to epidemic diarhheal disease, even when there were two outbreaks in the neighbouring districts and some cases in the districts.
The team then visited the district HQ hospital and the next day there were field visited to different sectors of the districts. During the debriefing session on the last day the team appreciated the efforts of the health department of the district in implementing the programmes of the health Ministry of Govt. of India. The made special mention of the coordiantion of the different departments most important among them being W&CD and RWSS, in implementing the health programs and combating epidemic situations, which they say are a role model for not just other districts of Orissa, but also for other states.
Nov 11, 2011
As per the direction of RDC(SD) in the RPDAC meeting on 4th November 2011, Collector Rayagada visited the Kansariguda and Podapadi villages to finalize the site for R&R (Rehabilitation & Resettlement) colony. In Kansariguda village he visited the Jhodia sahi and Sundhi sahi and interacted with the people about the finalizing of the site for R&R colony.People expressed their reluctance on various grounds to go to Podapadi site where the R&R colony, which was decided in the R&R plan. Collector Rayagada talked with people from both the communities. People from both the communities unequivocally stated that they wanted to stay together in the RR colony, as they have been staying together for centuries and it is not a fact that the people of the one community wants to stay away from the other. Collector Rayagada made it very clear and change of site for R&R colony, if at all will be within the acquired land and that there is absolutely no scope for the R&R colony to come up in any govt or private land, which is out of the acquired land.
Collector Rayagada assured the people of the Kansiriguda village that the district administration would definitely take into account their sentiments, but cannot commit on the matter of changing the R&R colony site to another place, as it requires deliberation from various side and any change in the present plan cannot be made without the concurrence of the government in revenue dept. However he assured people of coming back to the village with a final decision in this matter in the first week of December tentatively.
Nov 9, 2011

Rayagada is one of the few districts in Orissa where a considerable area of cultivable land is taken up for cotton cultivation. Over a period of time even tribal cultivators have taken to cotton cultivation. Gunupur sub division of Rayagada has the major share of cotton production, which makes it one of the richest RMCs( Regulated Marketing Committee) in the state.Nowadays even Rayagada sub division has seen increase in the number of farmers who have taken up cotton as a primary or secondary crop.
As a part of the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI), one Pratibha syntex was to supply cotton seeds to farmers in this district. Since last two months the district administration has been receiving complaints from farmers that the seed that they bought from Pratibha Syntex did not germinate and hence it resulted in loss for them. The district administration in its grievance cell has received atleast 3 such written complaints and even otherwise a number of cases have come to notice where such problem exists.Collector Rayagada has entrusted the task of inquiring in this matter of Sri. P.C Seth, PD DRDA, Rayagada.
Cotton farming is a capital intensive task and experiences from states of Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh has shown that any failure in this matter could lead to serious repercussion for the farmers. The reason for loss of crop ( or failure to flower) could be attributed to number of reasons, but in this case the district administration wants to be very sure about the quality of seeds and a proper inquiry is expected in this matter.
Nov 7, 2011
Meet Sri. Satyabrata Maharana, a mechanical Engineer from Rayagada who cherished his childhood passion for making boats and now with a reinvigorated spirit restarted making Remote controlled ( RC) replica of boats. Not just ordinary ones, he goes on to make RC replica of naval vessels such as Frigates and even Sub marines, which can work under water at a depth of three meters. His work has been acknowledged all over the country and even in foreign nations. recently Mid Day, a leading English daily carried his story. Sri. Maharana is the pride of Rayagada

Given below are the story links:
Nov 6, 2011
FOSM, Rayagada would like to thank all visitors and supporters, particularly those who contributed with write ups, Photos and videos on this historic occasion when this blog crossed 10,000 hits just in a period of over one year. Keep in touch !
Nov 5, 2011
As per the instruction of the Chief Vigilance Commissioner, the vigilance awareness week is celebrated around the country around this time of the year. The vigilance awareness meeting was today conducted in Rayagada district.
Collector Rayagada was the chief guest on this occasion. The meeting was convened by DSP Vigilance Sri. Behera with the assistance of DIPRO Rayagada, Sri. Jalandhar Pusika. All district level officers, members of the press, prominent citizens of Rayagada and some school and college students were present for the awareness meeting.
people from all walks of life present there spoke about the need to curb the growing menace of corruption.
Collector Rayagada in his address stated that the recent anti corruption movement of Anna Hazare has brought to the fore the gross resentment in the mind sof the people about the exploitation by the way of corruption. He also told that people in general should no longer be tolerant about corruption and vow to fight against it. Also the need to implement preventive vigilance by the way of pointing out procedural lapses in any process, which might lead to erroneous decision making was emphasized.
Collector Rayagada advised all government servants to be transparent in their wok and to place as much information as possible under public domain.
Lastly he told that it is his personal opinion that a bill like Jan Lokpal Bill is the is not only necessary, but also a writing on the wall. Only it should be more comprehensive and include many other sections of our society which wield immense power and are required to be checked for any corruption in them. he also stated that though it was logical to identify corruption with government functionaries and public servants, for the simple reason of the power they wield, but limiting it to just these tow categories of people would not help in achieving of a society and country , where corruption is under check.
Prizes were distributed to the winners of essay and debate competition an dthe meeting eeded with the collective oath taking by all present to fight and weed out corruption.
Nov 4, 2011
The second RPDAC (Rehabilitation and Periphery Development Advisory Committee) meeting of the Aditya Alumina was conducted in DRDA conference Hall Rayagada on 04.11.11. It was chaired by the Revenue Divisional Commissioner Southern Division Sri. L.N.Nayak, IAS and was attended by MP Koraput, MLA Laxmipur, DIG South western Range, Collector Koraput, SP Rayagada, along with the representative of Minister SC/ST development, authorities of Aditya Alumina, representatives of local NGOS and SHGs and representatives of displaced and project affected people of the area. Collector Rayagada is the member-convener of the meeting.
In the meeting number of issues was discussed as given below:
The land for R&R( Rehabilitation and Resettlement) colony at Kansariguda needs to be finalized, before the people of the village can be displaced. There is disagreement among the villagers about the site which has been earmarked for the R&R colony. It was given to know that the people of the locality believe that there is some kind of a bad omen with that place and want to be relocated at some other location, preferably near Singaram station or Bhalujodi. Also some people want monetary compensation in lieu of being rehabilitated in R&R colony. Collector Rayagada informed that he will be visiting the concerned village and finalizing the site for the R&R colony after a week’s time.
As a part of the Periphery development activity Adiyta Alumina had been doing some road repair work along with its sister concern Utkal alumina. However it was observed that the road work was apparently done without the explicit permission of the concerned department such as Rural development/ PWD or even the district administration. the company authorities were advised to not to take up any work on its own and in case there is a dire need and heavy demand from the people, the district administration need to be informed for an appropriate decision in this matter. Collector Rayagada requested the company authorities to provide a bus to district administration, which will operate it on the Rayagada -Kashipur route under the banner of the Regional Transport Authority, Rayagada.
There was a demand from the representatives of the displaced and the project affected people for medical services from the company's side. The CEO of Aditya Alumina informed the house that the work for 50 seated hospital in this area is in progress, after the completion of which they will be in a position to provide reasonably good health services to the people of the locality.
On the Koraput side there is a peculiar issue of people who were give land titles in 1975, but their possession was not recorded by the settlement authorities during settlement operation and as a result of which they are facing problems in getting their rightful entitlement as displaced or project affected persons. Collector Koraput was asked by RDC (SD) to look into the matter.
The issue of Modern high school was raised by the people, the land on which it stands need to be recorded in the name of the school for further development of the school.
One of the members remarked that there is lack of awareness among the local people especially the tribals about the entitlements prescribed by the R&R policy. RDC (SD) advised that there should be hoarding and flex boards in prominent location in the concerned area showing the salient features of the R&R policy, which should be easily legible and understandable to the people of the locality. Collector Rayagada and Koraput were asked to make arrangements for the same. The present RPDAC was constituted before the delimitation of the assembly constituencies, when the major area of project regarding the establishment of the industry and displacement of the people was coming under Laxmipur assembly constituency. However after the delimitation process, almost equal area comes in both Rayagada and Laxmipur assembly constituency. Hence there is some requirement for change in the constitution of the RPDAC. Also the decision to adopt the ZP zone member of Kakirigumma was approved in this meeting.
There was a demand from the representatives of the displaced and project affected people for the inclusion of some more members in the RPADC. RDC (SD) advised that he additional members be invited as special invitees as inclusion of more members requires approval of the government and is a time taking process.
After the meeting the RDC (SD) met the delegations of people from the project area and heard their grievances and assured prompt action on their issues.
( Photos courtesy,Sri. Nagaraju Bhallamudi, Enadu)
Nov 2, 2011

A two day training program for Socio Economic and Caste Census was concluded in DRDA conference hall Rayagada today. The SECC will be paperless and will be conducted with the tablet PC developed by Bharat Electricals limited BEL, which runs on Android 2.2 OS. The census software is preloaded and the DEO has to simply click on the relevant tabs after enumerating a particular household. 1906 of such tablet units will be utilized in Rayagada district.

Past experiences have shown that there has been massive errors in emumeration of people for what was earlier known as BPL survey. With the use of IT solutions, lot of discretion on the part of the enumerators to manipulate the census/ survey data has been effectively checked.
The SECC is to be kick started by mid November. Hence the training of BDOs/ Tahsildars/ Executive officers of ULBs was taken up by a team from govt of Orissa in Panchayat Raj dept.
A two day training program for Socio Economic and Caste Census was concluded in DRDA conference hall Rayagada today. The SECC will be paperless and will be conducted with the tablet PC developed by Bharat Electricals limited BEL, which runs on Android 2.2 OS. The census software is preloaded and the DEO has to simply click on the relevant tabs after enumerating a particular household. 1906 of such tablet units will be utilized in Rayagada district.
Past experiences have shown that there has been massive errors in emumeration of people for what was earlier known as BPL survey. With the use of IT solutions, lot of discretion on the part of the enumerators to manipulate the census/ survey data has been effectively checked.
The SECC is to be kick started by mid November. Hence the training of BDOs/ Tahsildars/ Executive officers of ULBs was taken up by a team from govt of Orissa in Panchayat Raj dept.
Nov 1, 2011
The road condition and overall connectivity in the southern part of Orissa some years back happened to be the worse in the country. But things are changing at a rapid pace and all efforts are being made by to improve the road connectivity in these parts, with works more than 300 crore in this district in major rodas such as SH 4, SH 5 and SH 43. All these projects when completed will surely change the face of the district.
The work on SH 4 is done under the Vijaywada Ranchi corridor project, which also involves the 4 laning of the Rayagada town portion. The four laning part of the VRC project has proved to be the most challenging. the town portion was 3.5 meters laid long back. The problematic part is that most of the other utilities such as PHD water pipe line, electric poles and lines, telephones lines, etc were laid acoordingly and now when the town road portion is widened to four lane, whcih comes to 16 meters, all these utilities have to be realigned. Also there is this issue of cutting and trimming of trees for road widening.
In developmet parlance it is said that there is hardly any work which doesn't require some kind of coordination between different departments and a work like widening of the road requires lot of coordination between different departments for which the role of an authority like the District Magistrate becomes very important. So, Collector & DM, Rayagada along with EE PWD, EE SOUTHCO, EE GED, AE PHD and number of other functionaries reviwed the progress f road works and conducted field visits on VRC project road.
Progress of this portion had been suffering beacuse of slow progress regarding shifting of electrical poles and wires and from PHD side regarding shifting of water pipe lines which after the widening of the road happen to fall right at he middle of the road now.
It was only after the intervention of the district administration, the dispute between the PWD and SOUTHCO regarding shifting of electrical lines was solved and the process of shifting of electrical poles started in mid of this year. However after initial progress, again the work was stopped to be resumed recently.
In case of PHD there was no money to shift the pipe line and with the efforts of the district administration a proposal have been sent to govt for approval which is likely to be done within a short period now.
Today a meeting of all these agencies involved in the road widening and activities related to it, such as PWD, SOUTHCO, PHD, RWSS was called by the Collector Rayagada to sort out the issues. Also the team visited the town portion of the Vijaywada Ranchi corridor and saw on the field the things that are required to be done. Collector Rayagada has instructed for the expeditious completion of the work of pole and pipe line shifting, along with the cutting and trimming of trees. The progress will be monitored on daily basis.

The work on Kereda road which is the link to Andhra pradesh had been started and a major portion of it is completed till date. there has been a seas change from the condition that was there a year back ( as can be made out from the picture above) and a now ( pic of the same stretch given below). It is pertinent to mention that the Kereda road is only an MDR ( Major District Road) and not even a state highway. But taking into account its importance from connectivity and economic point of view, the district administration had to intervene and get the work done from PWD. Before the road work the journey of 22 Kms from the Kereda check gate on the Andhra Orissa border to Rayagda town was taking one and a half hour, now the same journey can be completed in less than 30 minutes.