The Excise Commissioner, Odisha has sanctioned three posts of Excise Constable to Rayagada district vide their letter No-4923/Ex., dated 11.7.2011 and the roster wise vacancies were published centrally in Odia dailies. The roster wise vacancies are as follows:
1. S.C. (Women)------------01
2. U.R.(Male)-----------------01
3. S.T. (Male)-----------------01
As per the guidelines of the Excise Commissioner, Odisha a District Level Selection Ccommittee was formed comprising of the Collector as Chairman, Supdt. of Police, District Sports Officer and District Welfare Officer as members and the Supdt. of Excise as Member-Convener to scrutinize the application, measure the physical standard and conduct the physical and written test.
In response to the Notification 94 (Ninety four) applications were received within the stipulated date i.e. by 30.09.2011 and 02 (two) applications received after due date on 10. 10.2011 and 12.10.2011. After formation of the Committee, 1st meeting was conducted on 08.11.2011 & 9.11.2011 to scrutinize the applications. The following members & their nominees were present.
1. Sri Durga Prasad Mahapatro, O.A.S-I, Tahasildar, Rayagada
(nominee of the Collector-Cum-Chairman)
2. Sri V.R.Rao, Dy. Supdt. Of Police, Rayagada (nominee of the Supdt. of Police, Rayagada)
3. Sri Ganeswar Bharimal A.D.W.O., Rayagada (Nominee of D.W.O.)
4. Sri Satya Narayana Senapati, District Sports Officer, Rayagada
5. Sri Bijay Kumar Mishra, O.E.S-II, I/c Superintendent of Excise, Rayagada
The two applications received after the due date has not been taken into consideration & rejected by the Committee and kept in the closed cover. The remaining 94 (Ninety four) applications along with the proforma biodata were placed before the Committee for scrutiny. It is seen that, Some of the applicants from general and SEBC category have deposited the application fee in shape of I.P.O. instead of Bank draft as required in the notification. It is also seen that, although there is no vacancy notified for S.C. (Male) category, 19 applications were received from S.C. Male category. In this regard the Excise Commissioner, Odisha vide their letter No-8018/Ex., dated 09.11.2011 has clarified that, there is no legal bar to accept Indian Postal Order subject to decision of the District Selection Committee and the S.C. (Male) candidates applied shall be considered against U.R. category.
Hence, it was decided by the committee that, all the candidates those who have deposited the application fee through I.P.O shall be allowed to physical test and all the S.C. (Male) candidates shall be allowed against U.R. category. Out of the 94 (ninety four) applications, 25 (twenty five) application were rejected due to the defects mentioned against each of their names in annexure-A and reflected in the register. Hence, The committee was finally decided to issue call letters to the 69 (Sixty Nine) (64 male + 05 female) candidates to appear for the physical measurement and Physical Test on 28.11.2011 & 29.11.2011.
On 28.11.2011 all the members of the recruitment committee were remain present during physical measurement test. The D.S.P., Rayagada & A.D.W.O., Rayagada were present on behalf of the S.P., Rayagada & D.W.O., Rayagada respectively. The Tahasildar, Rayagada was also present as the nominee of the Collector, Rayagada. Out of 69 candidates 16 candidates (15 male + 1 female) were remained absent in the physical measurement test. The original documents of the remaining 53 candidates were verified and the physical measurement was done in presence of all the members at R.S.E.W.C. Govt. High School, J.S.Co., Rayagada. Out of 53 candidates (49 male + 4 female), 27 candidates (25 male + 02 female) were disqualified in physical measurement.
The remaining 26 candidates (male-24 & female-02) were selected for physical efficiency test held on the same day ie. on 28.11.2011. In the Physical Efficiency test, broad Jump was conducted initially and out of 26 candidates 05 candidates (04 male + 01 female) were dis-qualified in broad jump. The details of broad jump and the marks obtained by the candidates is enclosed in two sheets for both male and female candidates separately as annexure-IV & V respectively. The rest 21 (male-20 + female-1) candidates were called to appear for 1.6 kms Run. In the event 15 (male-14 + 1 female) candidates were dis-qualified.
No further events were conducted for female candidates as all the female candidates were dis-qualified. The remaining 06 male candidates were called for Rope climbing. Out of six male candidates one candidate disqualified in Rope climbing.
Hence, the remaining 05 male candidates were called for high jump and Swimming test for the very next day i.e on 29.11.2011
On 29.11.2011 all the provisionally selected 05 male candidates were present before the committee and appeared for high jump. All the candidates were qualified in the high jump.
After completion of high jump test, all the 05 eligible candidates were called for swimming test. The swimming test was taken up at a pond located near village “Munising” under Chandili P.S. All precautionary measure was taken for the safety of the candidates. As per the guidelines, swimming test was conducted for 40 mtrs. All the above 05 candidates were qualified in the swimming test.
The academic performance of the 05 candidates was also verified from the original certificates of the candidates. As none of the candidates have obtained 41% or more in the H.S.C examination as required, so the marks against the academic performance is found to be zero for all the candidates.
As per the notification made by the Excise Commissioner, Odisha the candidates those who were qualified in the physical measurement and physical test called for written test.
The written test was conducted on 11.12.2011 at 11.30 AM in the D.R.D.A. Conference Hall, Rayagada in presence of all the members and Chairman-cum-Collector, Rayagada. After completion of the written test all the answer sheets were kept in a closed cover under proper seal in presence of the members and the candidates and handed over to the Chairman of the District Level Selection Committee.
A final mark list have been prepared indicating the marks obtained in physical measurement, physical efficiency test, educational achievement and written test is kept in records.
The final merit list have been prepared on the basis of final marks obtained by the candidates in the physical measurement, physical efficiency test, educational achievement and written test. The detailed merit list is noted below.
Sri Santosh Chatti
Merit No. -01
Sri Raj Mohan Deo
Merit No. -02
Sri Chandan Pani
Merit No. -03
Sri Niranjan Majhi
Merit No. -04
Sri Akula Raja
Merit No. -05
According to the final merit list, Sri Santosh Chatti (UR) and Sri Niranjan Majhi (ST) was selected as Excise Constable against UR and ST category respectively.
As none of the lady candidates qualified in the physical efficiency test, the Committee has decided to put forth the matter before the Excise Commissioner, Odisha for filling up the vacancy against SC women.
The committee concluded the process and requested the Member- Convener to send all the required documents, broad sheets, mark sheets to the Excise Commissioner, Odisha for kind approval.