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Oct 30, 2011

This year because of late and less than average rainfall, there seems to be a drought like situation in the district. Almost daily group of farmers are seen meeting the district administration with the samples of the damaged crop. This year because of the less rain the yield is expected to be low.
However during this year as much as 6 crore worth of check dam projects have been executed in this district under the Integrated Action Plan alone. Moreover lot of work has been done by depts. such as Blocks ( By the way fo MO Pokaghri under NREGS) Minor irrigation and Orissa lift irrigation corporation. These sources if utilized properly will come in handy in atleast partly tackling the drought like situation.
Collector Rayagada in a letter to all BDOS, Executive Engineer MI Division rayagada, ASCO-cum-PD-watershed and OLIC has instructed that all these irrigation sources be made good use of after taking into account the ground situation.

Nothing can be worse that having water in reservoirs and channels, but farmers are deprived of the same.
Nothing can be worse that having water in reservoirs and channels, but farmers are deprived of the same.
The letter of Collector Rayagada comes at a time when there have been several complaints received by the district administration, particularly from Padampur and Gunupur area, that water is not being released to the farmers from the Badanala project, the only medium irrigation project in the district.
Oct 27, 2011

The public hearing of the RSB Metaltech in the Kalyansingpur block was vandalized by some people today. A group of about 50-60 people shouting slogans against the company came to protest at the place where the public hearing was to be held for the environmental clearance as mandated by the State pollution control board.
The matter took a turn for worse, when some agitators took to the podium to stop the public hearing. Within a short ime the entire 'Pandal" was vandalized and the stage was broken to pieces. ADM Rayagada, who was nominated by the district administration to conduct the public hearing, had to leave the places , along with BDO and Tahsildar Kalyansinghpur, i the face of stiff violent resistance from the agitators. It is widely believed that there was active involvement of outsiders ( i.e. people not belonging to those Panchayats) in this act of lawlessness.
Collector Rayagada, speaking to FOSM stated that, 'the public hearing is a legal perquisite for setting up any industrial unit in the district and it is the duty of the district administration to create an atmosphere where any individual is feels free to express his opinion in the public hearing. The act of those involved in such violent activity is against the spirit of freedom of expression. Those who have any grievance against the setting up of an industrial unit have all the right to express their opinion in this matter. The protesters could have very well used the public hearing forum to register their protest'.

However instead the agitators chose to trample the rights of others by not allowing the public hearing to be conducted and thereby depriving the local people of their constitutional right to express their minds. The unconstitutional behaviour of the agitators goes to prove their vested interests in obstructing a constitutional process and their apathy for development in the area.
ADM Rayagada will submit a report on the incident to Collector Rayagada. The district adminstration will give its finding to the Superintendent of the Police for necessary action in this matter.
Oct 25, 2011
Free and Open Source Media ( FOSM) Rayagada wishes all viewers and supporters a very happy and prosperous Diwali !
Oct 23, 2011
Oct 20, 2011
Oct 17, 2011
Oct 13, 2011
The cultural festival of Rayagada district, named Chaiti Utsav or Chaiti Parab, will be held from 25-27 November 2011. The districts of undivided Koraput are known for their annual cultural festivals. These festivals have come a long way since the inception of 'Dongar' festival in Koraput in the early 90s. These festivals serves to not only highlight the rich cultural heritage of these districts, but also act as medium of cultural exchange, with number of troupes from different districts of Odisha and also from other states of the country.
'Chaiti festiva'l was organised every year but for some reason it was discontinued in between for almost 5 years. In 2009, the then Collector of Rayagada, Sri. Krishna Gopal Mahapatra revived the tradition and it was thereafter celebrated with great enthusiasm last year.
Last year the festival was kick started from the religious location of Devagiri, a temple in the natural cave formation in a hillock in Kalyansinghpur block. This year it is proposed to be inaugurated from the ancient Siva mandir site of Paikapada. This temple of about 1000 years old and it an important landmark in the history of this district.
The theme of the cultural festival this year is going to be 'conservation of environment'. The East Zone Cultural Council has been requested to send some troupes for this festival. Eminent groups and artists from all over the country are likely to perform in this festival.
The uniqueness of this year is that three districts os the erstwhile undivided Koraput i.e, Rayagada. Koraput and Malkangiri will be jointly celebrating their cultural festival in sequence, i.e, Koraput from 16-19, Malkangiri from 21-23 and Rayagada from 25-27 November 2011. This will not only help augment the resources, but also will help in getting quality troupes and artists. also for the performing troupes it will be convenient and also economical.